Jen Baumeister , Artisan and Ceramicist
Jen Baumeister is an artisan and ceramicist who makes primarily functional stoneware pottery . She has studied with several world renowned ceramic artists and is a moderator of a web based ceramics group called Pottery Basics.
She started studying in ceramics over 15 years ago while living abroad in both Asia and the Middle East. She now has her pottery studio in her hometown of Hudson, Quebec, Canada.
“The spark of my interest in exploring clay was found in Asia after visiting many of the potteries and ceramic museums during our 2-year tenure in Taipei. This interest was solidified after moving to the Middle East and studying with several accomplished potters during our 6-year stay. Israel was a launching point to exploring ancient cultures and the early examples of ceramics that they produced.
In 2004, after moving back to my hometown of Hudson Quebec, I found that the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis were starting to affect my work. It quickly became almost impossible to work the clay. I thought that my passion was lost to me.
In the fall of 2009, a news report was aired on a new experimental treatment for MS and after, many months researching this new theory I decided to pursue it. On Aug 4, 2010 I traveled to the US for the procedure.
Success! I have gained significant improvements; the results truly have been miraculous. The Liberation Treatment has given me the ability to again pursue my passion.
I am so very happy to share with you my rekindled love affair with clay.”
Enjoy your pots!